Quilt Me Club by L'Atelier Perdu.

Natalie has done it again and a new adventure is about to start. After last year's Stitch Me Club, she now offers a Quilt Me Club, a three-month surprise project.

Have a look at her blog, she explains everything.

And for those who do not know Natalie's creations, you can see her creations here, here and here. And here again!

So let's the fun begin!!!! You'll see my progress all along ;-)

Until later,


  1. All your works look so beautiful, and it was so tempting to join the club! So, I did :-) It was great to discover your blog, I really enjoy reading it :-)

    1. Thank you very much. We will have fun maquing this quilt all together. It's going to be a worlwide quilting party! How fun ;-)

  2. This was just what I needed, and I am sure that it will be fantastic - we both loved Vero's Mystery Quilt, so I am trusting you on this one! Thanks, just signed up for it!!!

    1. Hi Angie, you won't regret it! I'll follow your progress ;-)

    2. No challenge ;-) Just the fun of sharing our progress and get motivated ;-)

  3. Comme toi, j'ai succombé au nouveau projet de Natalie avec grand plaisir :-)
    A très bientôt,

    1. Dis donc, on va avoir tout plein d'en-cours en commun! Super ;-)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This is going to be so much fun, especially to see so many others participating!

  5. Je découvre ce projet grâce à toi... et je dois dire que je suis tentée... bon je vais encore réfléchir un peu... car tellement d'encours !!! Bon week-end !

  6. Thans for telling us !!! I signed up as well looking forward to the 24th ....

  7. Et bien je vois que nous avons encore craqué sur un même projet....Mais comment résister aux créations de Natalijo c'est impossible pour moi.
    Bon & doux dimanche David.

  8. Et bien je craque moi aussi pour le projet de printemps après avoir salivé devant celui d'hiver. Après le Quilt Mystère de born to quilt, je suis ravie de repartir dans une aventure commune...
    Alexandra (Nice, Carros, village)

  9. Tienes un blog precioso. Yo también me he apuntado a este proyecto de Nataliejo.
    Seguiré tus trabajos.
    Un abrazo
    Bea Rico


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