In my mailbox...

To say that I am extremely busy these days is not true! It's even worse... which means I do not have much time for my needles. The only thing I have managed to do so far, is to handquilt for 30 minutes every schoolday and 2 hours at the weekend.

When I came back from work today, there was a surprise in my mailbox. Two books were waiting for me.

The first one is by Maggie Bonanomi and is entitled Buttonwood Farm. You know how much I love everything she creates!!!

The second one is by Renée Plains and is entitled Stitches From the Schoolhouse. I missed her previous book (A Bird in Hand) but didn't want to miss this one.

Both books have surpassed all my expectations... absolutely FANTASTIC books!!!

I love the blue color but have difficulty in using it in my country projects. I think that now, Maggie Bonanomi has managed to help me get over my fear of using it!!! Moreover, I now know how I will use the Japanese antique blues and indigos I bought last April ;-)

Finally, if you want to have a peek at what's inside the books you can click here.

Until later,


  1. Great books! And I think your blue fabrics will be put to good use with some of the projects in the books! Hope you get more time to quilt and stitch soon!

  2. Lovely books David, last week I ordered the Renee Plains "From The Schoolhouse", I can't wait to get it. The other book by "Buttonwood Farm" looks very interesting, I also have a 'fear' of blue fabrics ~ LOL! The fabrics you have chosen are lovely!!

  3. thanks for the information, David. Both books look so interesting! I may buy them!!!!

  4. I love Maggie's books too. Haven't seen the new one but will go ck. it out. I need a project.

  5. Merci de nous faire connaitre ces livres, David. Les extraits à feuilleter sont trop courts mais, assurément, me donnent envie d'en voir davantage ! Il va falloir que je les achète aussi, alors ! ;-)
    J'ai vu également plein d'autres livres bien tentants... Bon, je m'en vais jouer au loto : on ne sait jamais ! LOL !

  6. De superbes livres David!
    Encore une foule de projets en perspective.
    Merci de nous faire partager ces nouveautés!
    Une très bonne journée,
    A bientôt,
    Isabelle C.

  7. J'avais adoré "A bird in hand", et ce dernier bouquin de Renée Plains me tente beaucoup é présentation est très alléchante! comme il est agréable d'ouvrir sa boîte aux lettres après une journée de travail et d'y découvrir ce genre de livres, hein?
    Bonne soirée à toi

  8. your indigo fabrics are just beautiful, cant wait to see what you make with them.
    I have wanted to work with indigos for a while now
    collecting pieces to eventually make a little quilt
    great books I agree any books by Maggie and REnee are wonderful

  9. je prefere qd vs nous parler en français, meme si je crois bien comprendre
    bisous bisous

    charline, roses et caramel

  10. Merci de ton adorable passage.De beaux projets se préparent à voir ton choix de tissus.Bisous

  11. bon ça y est je vais etre obligée de craquer encore , marie claude n'a pas parreté de me parler de Maggie et là ça continue , j'ai le livre bird in hand j'ai adoré alors je pense que là ce doit etre pareil .. le seul problème c'est la place ... vais etre obligée de poser des étagères chez les voisins..


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