For those not familiar with this name here is some information about this lovely town on the French Atlantic coast :
Brouage was founded in 1555 by Jacques de Pons on the Bay of Biscay facing the Atlantic Ocean. Its economy was based on salt and access to the sea. The town was fortified between 1630 and 1640 by Cardinal Richelieu as a Catholic bastion in order to fight against the neighbouring Protestant town of La Rochelle. Gradually the harbour silted up in the last part of the 17th century, leaving the town stranded and useless as a port. It fell into ruin.
The town's most celebrated son is the French navigator Samuel de Champlain, who lived there when young, before being the co-founder of French settlement in Acadia (1604–1607) and Quebec (1608–1635).
Now, Brouage is also famous in the quilting world because every other year, there is the exhibition : Quilts de Légende. This year was the 9th edition. It is sponsored by France Patchwork which is the French guild.
As is mentioned in the catalogue of the exhibition, get ready for some amazing reproduction quilts, made by talented quilters with outstanding skills! Perfection is what comes to mind after seeing the quilts. It is difficult to post about each quilt in one blogpost so I have decided to select the photos that first where good enough to be published and which will show you what stopped my eyes and picked my curiosity.
There will be photos of the rooms in order to give you an idea of the general view when you enter these old historic buildings. Then, I have selected photos of quilts, of quilts details and finally some to show you the handquilting which is one of my fascination and passion.
Even if each quilt is stunning, three of them where my favourites. I will mention each one under the photo. I still cannot decide which of the three I like best... and there are several others that I find really fascinating too!
All the quilts are reproductions from antique quilts. I will give the name of the quilts and the quilter who made it to pay them tribute. Though it takes time, it is the least I can do to thank them for inspiring us. If by any chance, there is a mistake, contact me so that I can correct it. I will also give the name of the original quilt and where it is from when I know it, in order to give credit to the institutions that own these quilts. If you are interested in antique quilts I really recommend that you visit these institutions or buy books and patterns from them. This exhibition has developped in me a desire to know more about antique quilts and I have bought and read many books about them since the first time I visited The Quilts de Légende exhibition.
Are you ready? Better grab a cup of tea ;-) Enjoy :-)
Here is Marie-Henriette, made by Martine Crabé-Lanux, inspired by an American quilt, 1813 from the Shelburn Museum Collection (USA).
It is one of the three of my favourites. The details and the quilting are amazing! I would love to know how you can possibly reproduce such a quilt from a photo.

The third quilt I fell in love with is Vases de Fleurs et Roses Grimpantes, by Michelle Beugnon, inspired by a quilt from the Poos collection owned by Kay Triplett. Middle of the 19th century.
Note the red quilting line in the center of the quilt and along the border! That's just the perfect detail that adds to an already stunning quilt! This quilt is inspired by a quilt from the book The Red and Green Quilts from the Poos Collection by Kay Triplett, published by Quiltmania.

Médaillons et Sabliers by Colette Bourgain, inspired by a quilt from the end of the 18th century which was discovered in Pennsylvania, probably brought by a Dutch emigrant at the beginning of the 19th century.

Te Quiero by Yvonne Calvez, Inspired by a quilt dating C. 1846 from the Poos Collection. I didn't have this information on the catalogue. It was given to me by Kay Triplett who wrote to me to let me know.
I find this quilt very feminine and soothing with its pastel tones and the pink squares. I really like the blend of pieced and appliqué blocks or borders in a quilt.

First, Voyage by Simone Patouillard, inspired by an Amish quilt, Ohio (USA), c. 1930.
The contrast makes the quilt comes alive.

There is Mosaïque de Losanges by Gabrielle Paquin, inspired by an American quilt from the American Museum in Britain, Bath (UK).
It has a beautiful poison green fabric that my photo does not show well. On my photo it looks faded but it is not!

I was amazed by the quilting on the border and how effective it was!!! Look carefully... clever, isn't?
I LOVE this detail!

This is Victoria by Marie-José Manière, interpretation of a work made inEngland, c. 1830s.

Another quilt I fell in love with is Alpha Lirae by France Aubert, inspired from the famous Star of Bethlehem, Morning Star, Mathematical Star, Star of the East of Lone, c. 1830.
And not only the quilt is stunning! Look at the quilting!

Who doesn't love baskets? I think that this quilt has the most beautiful basket border! And the broderie perse adds to the overall charm of the quilt.
Daisy and Basket by Helma Huisman Hildebrand, inspired by a British medallion quilt, 1835, saw in the "Chintz Quilts from the Poos Collection" book published by Quiltmania.
Once again, I wished my photos were better.

Another beauty!!!! Blue Jasmine by Ghislaine Lucas, inspired by different medallion quilts, 1840.
Lots of creativity in this quilt. Indeed, some floral motifs have not only been quilted but some basket details or stems have been accentuated by an appliqué piece of contrasting fabric. It is full of charm. And it gives texture to the quilt. The fabric selection for the borders is also very clever. She used old and reproduction fabrics.

To finish here is India Mosaica by Domminique Husson, inspired by a quilt from the "Surrender Dorothy" collection, c. 1840.
Another masterpiece!
I wish I had photos for Coup de Coeur Crazy by Anne-Marie Uguen, Millefiori by Maud Devesly, Modesty by Christine Dujardin, Pas Si Classique by Cécile Lacoste, Zig-Zag Variation by Martine Viellard, Eclats by Marie-Françoise Grégoire which is a quilt I have loved, Bleu De Prusse by Will Vidinic with the most beautiful Prussian blue fabric, Deuxmillehuitcenthuit by Ewa Guérin and Vagues by Maryvonne Marmion. Unfortunately the photos I took turned out blurred. I am really sorry.
I spent quite a long time admiring all these quilts and I also spent time talking with the ladies in each room. While talking to Dominique Husson, she showed me the most beautiful quilted bag. It was a present she had just received from a friend of hers. What an amzing present! Here are two photos of this beauty!!!! The perfect bag to bring a few quilting stuff along with you when meeting friends :-)

Thank you, Quilteuses de Légende, for your talent!
Until later,
Brouage was founded in 1555 by Jacques de Pons on the Bay of Biscay facing the Atlantic Ocean. Its economy was based on salt and access to the sea. The town was fortified between 1630 and 1640 by Cardinal Richelieu as a Catholic bastion in order to fight against the neighbouring Protestant town of La Rochelle. Gradually the harbour silted up in the last part of the 17th century, leaving the town stranded and useless as a port. It fell into ruin.
The town's most celebrated son is the French navigator Samuel de Champlain, who lived there when young, before being the co-founder of French settlement in Acadia (1604–1607) and Quebec (1608–1635).
Now, Brouage is also famous in the quilting world because every other year, there is the exhibition : Quilts de Légende. This year was the 9th edition. It is sponsored by France Patchwork which is the French guild.
As is mentioned in the catalogue of the exhibition, get ready for some amazing reproduction quilts, made by talented quilters with outstanding skills! Perfection is what comes to mind after seeing the quilts. It is difficult to post about each quilt in one blogpost so I have decided to select the photos that first where good enough to be published and which will show you what stopped my eyes and picked my curiosity.
There will be photos of the rooms in order to give you an idea of the general view when you enter these old historic buildings. Then, I have selected photos of quilts, of quilts details and finally some to show you the handquilting which is one of my fascination and passion.
Even if each quilt is stunning, three of them where my favourites. I will mention each one under the photo. I still cannot decide which of the three I like best... and there are several others that I find really fascinating too!
All the quilts are reproductions from antique quilts. I will give the name of the quilts and the quilter who made it to pay them tribute. Though it takes time, it is the least I can do to thank them for inspiring us. If by any chance, there is a mistake, contact me so that I can correct it. I will also give the name of the original quilt and where it is from when I know it, in order to give credit to the institutions that own these quilts. If you are interested in antique quilts I really recommend that you visit these institutions or buy books and patterns from them. This exhibition has developped in me a desire to know more about antique quilts and I have bought and read many books about them since the first time I visited The Quilts de Légende exhibition.
Are you ready? Better grab a cup of tea ;-) Enjoy :-)
Here is Marie-Henriette, made by Martine Crabé-Lanux, inspired by an American quilt, 1813 from the Shelburn Museum Collection (USA).
It is one of the three of my favourites. The details and the quilting are amazing! I would love to know how you can possibly reproduce such a quilt from a photo.
I absolutely love this appliqué quilt!
My second favourite is a pieced quilt. I was truly amazed by the fabrics selection in this quilt. It looked like a real antique quilt. So beautiful!!!! I don't think my photos do the quilt justice but it is so big that I could not take a picture of the entire quilt facing it.
This quilt is called Ogeechee and is made by Aline Joulin, inspired by an American quilt ((1860-1890), saw in the Grand Rapids Public Museum, Michigan, USA.
The third quilt I fell in love with is Vases de Fleurs et Roses Grimpantes, by Michelle Beugnon, inspired by a quilt from the Poos collection owned by Kay Triplett. Middle of the 19th century.
Note the red quilting line in the center of the quilt and along the border! That's just the perfect detail that adds to an already stunning quilt! This quilt is inspired by a quilt from the book The Red and Green Quilts from the Poos Collection by Kay Triplett, published by Quiltmania.
Médaillons et Sabliers by Colette Bourgain, inspired by a quilt from the end of the 18th century which was discovered in Pennsylvania, probably brought by a Dutch emigrant at the beginning of the 19th century.
Art Déco Quilt by Dominique Husson, who is also the person in charge of this event. The quilt is inspired by an American quilt, c. 1920.
Military Coverlet by Isabelle Muzeau, inspired by a military quilt from the Nova Scotia Museum, made by Caporal Thomas Nooman (1870).
Stunnning quilt!
Quilting detail from Swafford Road by Anne-Hélène Nedelec, inspired by a Mennonite quilt from Pennsylvania, c. 1888.
Te Quiero by Yvonne Calvez, Inspired by a quilt dating C. 1846 from the Poos Collection. I didn't have this information on the catalogue. It was given to me by Kay Triplett who wrote to me to let me know.
I find this quilt very feminine and soothing with its pastel tones and the pink squares. I really like the blend of pieced and appliqué blocks or borders in a quilt.
Though at first, I thought that this quilt was not as impressive as other quilts in the exhibition, I ended up spending a VERY long time scrutinizing all the details and the fabrics. Many fabrics were, from my point of view, very masculine and the blend with many pinks makes it very unusual and fascinating. The plain borders were creative and the pieced ones incredible! The quilting was absolutely fascinating and the embroidered name in the bottom right-hand corner very cute.
Vermont by Louise-Marie Stipon, inspired from a medaillon quilt, C. 1880. Quilt collection from Vermont (USA)
I wished some of my photos were better but they were the best I had that could be published.
Though I do not use plain fabrics often, I find these two quilts fascinating.
First, Voyage by Simone Patouillard, inspired by an Amish quilt, Ohio (USA), c. 1930.
The contrast makes the quilt comes alive.
The second one is breathtaking and the quilting is over the top! I just LOVE it!!
The Twinkle Stars Remake Quilt, by Helma Huisman Hildebrand, inspired by an Amish quilt from 1895.
Here is a view of one corner of the second room. At the back you can see Les Faux Jumeaux, Original Design and Les Faux Jumeaux, Etoile du Texas by Marie-Josèphe Véteau inspired by a quilt from Oklahoma, USA, 1930.
Another corner of the room.
It has a beautiful poison green fabric that my photo does not show well. On my photo it looks faded but it is not!
Quilt à la Couronne de Fleurs by Marie-José Charpy, inspired by an American quilt saw in the the American Museum in Britain, Bath (UK)
And finally Les Amandiers by Anne Marie-Schmitt, inspired by a Blossom wreath pattern. Dated 1850-1860.
I was amazed by the quilting on the border and how effective it was!!! Look carefully... clever, isn't?
I LOVE this detail!
This is Victoria by Marie-José Manière, interpretation of a work made inEngland, c. 1830s.
Another quilt I fell in love with is Alpha Lirae by France Aubert, inspired from the famous Star of Bethlehem, Morning Star, Mathematical Star, Star of the East of Lone, c. 1830.
And not only the quilt is stunning! Look at the quilting!
Who doesn't love baskets? I think that this quilt has the most beautiful basket border! And the broderie perse adds to the overall charm of the quilt.
Daisy and Basket by Helma Huisman Hildebrand, inspired by a British medallion quilt, 1835, saw in the "Chintz Quilts from the Poos Collection" book published by Quiltmania.
Once again, I wished my photos were better.
Another beauty!!!! Blue Jasmine by Ghislaine Lucas, inspired by different medallion quilts, 1840.
Lots of creativity in this quilt. Indeed, some floral motifs have not only been quilted but some basket details or stems have been accentuated by an appliqué piece of contrasting fabric. It is full of charm. And it gives texture to the quilt. The fabric selection for the borders is also very clever. She used old and reproduction fabrics.
To finish here is India Mosaica by Domminique Husson, inspired by a quilt from the "Surrender Dorothy" collection, c. 1840.
Another masterpiece!
I wish I had photos for Coup de Coeur Crazy by Anne-Marie Uguen, Millefiori by Maud Devesly, Modesty by Christine Dujardin, Pas Si Classique by Cécile Lacoste, Zig-Zag Variation by Martine Viellard, Eclats by Marie-Françoise Grégoire which is a quilt I have loved, Bleu De Prusse by Will Vidinic with the most beautiful Prussian blue fabric, Deuxmillehuitcenthuit by Ewa Guérin and Vagues by Maryvonne Marmion. Unfortunately the photos I took turned out blurred. I am really sorry.
I spent quite a long time admiring all these quilts and I also spent time talking with the ladies in each room. While talking to Dominique Husson, she showed me the most beautiful quilted bag. It was a present she had just received from a friend of hers. What an amzing present! Here are two photos of this beauty!!!! The perfect bag to bring a few quilting stuff along with you when meeting friends :-)
Thank you, Quilteuses de Légende, for your talent!
Until later,
Que preciosidades de trabajos. Me encantan todos y cada uno de ellos.
ReplyDelete♥ ♥
I feel like I have just viewed the equivalent of a hoard of jewels. What a fantastic collection of remarkable quilts. Thanks so much for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, David, for the story and pictures! I love such exhibitions, to see so many treasures live is such a pleasure! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteSuperbe reportage David, remarquable exposition je regrette de l'avoir ratée cette année, je te rejoins dans tes 3 premiers choix pas facile vu La qualité de l'ensemble, Le premier pour sa construction et la maîtrise de l'applique chapeau ! Le suivant est un magnifique choix de couleurs qui s'harmonise parfaitement dans l'ensemble j'adore, tu fais une foule de photos des détails superbe pour titiller notre imaginaire merci David you are perfect
ReplyDeleteMerci David pour ce reportage de rêve.
ReplyDeleteC'est un travail généreux et un cadeau que j'apprécie beaucoup.
Au-delà de la joliesse et de la technique de chaque piécé ou appliqué, j'ai admiré la finesse et la créativité des quiltings. J'éprouve un sentiment de grande humilité en songeant aux heures et au soin apportés avec amour pour concocter toutes ces oeuvres d'art.
Personnellement je retiens quelques extraits qui à eux seuls pourraient constituer un quilt de plus modestes dimensions et que j'aurais envie de reproduire avec autant de finesse.
Pour tout cela et pour le plaisir de lire votre anglais, je vous remercie très chaleureusement.
What a wonderful time you must have had. I am not a quilter but I can certainly appreciate the beauty of them. The first one you showed with the little birds and dogs is incredible, it must have taken many hours to make. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing, the quilts are stunning, amazing and unbelievable beautiful. I hope to visit Brouage in 2019.
ReplyDeleteMerci David pour ce beau reportage ! Quilts remarqables, tu as du te régaler ! Au plaisir
What a beautiful tour you've given us! The Brouage show is on my wish list, but it's very unlikely I'll ever get there. Your blog allows me to see some of the amazing quilts, and I appreciate that.
ReplyDeleteWOW! Absolutely stunning quilts. Thanks for thing of us.
ReplyDeleteDire que ces quilts sont merveilleux n'est rien à côté de ce que je ressens lorsque je les vois....quel travail ! Un immense bravo mesdames ! Et merci pour ce beau reportage David !
ReplyDeleteWow, so many beautiful quilts in one place!
ReplyDeleteI can see your dilemma, all 3 are stunning. My favourite is probably the first one (hard to choose), simply because I love applique; but then no 3 is gorgeous to.....
Thank you for sharing :-)
These quilts are exquisite! I cannot believe the talent and patience it must take to execute them. Thanks so much for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you, David. I believe I have just attended a stunning quilt show on the coast of France with my morning coffee. The quilts are stunning, the hand quilting...breathtaking!
ReplyDeletemerci pour ce reportage qui nous permet d'admirer ces quilts, de très belles pièces en espérant un jour de pouvoir les admirer en vrai
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing these beautiful quilts with your readers! What an incredible treat!
ReplyDeleteJe suis allée à Brouage cette année
ReplyDeleteEt les trois premiers quilts de votre choix sont aussi mes préférés
Je préoare également quelques articles sur mon blog, mais faute de temps, ils ne seront pas mis en ligne immédiatement
Merci pour le partage
La cocotte de kiev
Chapeau and thank you so much for letting me enjoy that exellant show of stunning masterpieces -wish I could attend in person and view each masterpiece with my own eyes. Marga in Berlin,Germany
ReplyDeleteIt's very beautiful.
ReplyDeleteMerci beaucoup pour le partage des photos.
Thank you for the pictures you show here. I'm very very impressed by the beautiful, extrodinary quilts. I can imagine you spent lots if time at exhibition!
Amazing! Was the first quilt hand quilted? There are some extraordinary quilters in France!
ReplyDeleteYes, it was handquilted like all the other quilts.
DeleteThank you for sharing. They're all so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteRealmente impresionantes, David!
ReplyDeleteGracias por compartir y enseñarnos tanto.
This is a beautiful collection of talent and great inspiration for quilting! Thank you for sharing; i am glad your blog was shared on a Facebook group!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for taking the time to make this long blogpost and to share so many pictures and so much information with us. Amazing quilts, beautiful work, must have been wonderful to see these in person.
ReplyDeleteJe voulais cette année aller visiter cette exposition dans un lieu chargé d'histoire mais je n'ai pas pu ! Alors merci pour ce beau reportage et ce partage : je suis admirative devant ces magnifiques quilts. Je suis tombée amoureuse du quilt des vases et roses grimpantes.
Quel talent ! mais cela donne aussi la pêche pour continuer dans nos ouvrages personnels !
Amazing quilts and a wonderfully written story. Thank you l really enjoyed visiting your part of the world.
ReplyDeleteIl va falloir que je m'organise dans 2 ans pour faire le trajet Nantes-Brouage
ReplyDeleteTes photos sont superbes
Thank you for taking the time to put together such a wonderful 'tour'. It was very thoughtful, indeed. I LOVED the tote bag. Are there directions for it anywhere on the web? Wish I was in France!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my, David. What a beautiful quilt show indeed. All the quilts appear to be museum quality. Amazing. The time you spent putting this post together and sharing with those who could not attend nor was aware of this event is much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteThank you for enabling us to view the quilts that you have seen
ReplyDeleteThank you David to let us enjoy all those beautiful quilts.
ReplyDeleteI saw a year ago in SMM the quilts of Le Brouage.
It is almost impossible to see how they are handquilted.
Thank you so much to give us a tour and telling us your story of what you saw
Superb wasn't it? Great post! I know, I'm late. Thanks for the memories by revisiting it!
ReplyDeleteHow awesome!! I like your first two best.