It was the first weekend of November, the sun was shining bright and the temperatures were very warm for this time of year.
We were a group of friends gathered around our passion, gathered to quilt and stitch. It was the first trapunto project I was about to stitch with the help and advice of Nathalie Méance from La Fée Pirouette. She is the wonderful designer of the 2015 Mystery Quilt for Quiltmania.
And so I stitched this block and was happy to learn this technique which I had seen on Nathalie's videos over and over again. The colors were beautiful, the atmosphere fantastic with a group of wonderful ladies. The climax of the weekend was when Nathalie revealed the quilt Colmar completely finished!! Oh my goodness, how beautiful it was!!! I couldn't stop admiring it! I was enjoying the weekend so much. Yet, I knew that something wrong was going to happen... I had sensed it just before I left home on Friday night and I was worried the whole weekend though I tried not to show it.

What I feared the most did happen... the relapse of my wife's cancer. Since then the battle has started again with its pain and suffering. And as if it was not enough, the terrorist attacks on Paris covered my country with a veil of sadness.
Sometimes it is just difficult to stay optimistic. Today the sun is shining in the sky but not in my heart but we will face what we have to face and fight the battle together.
I wish I could pick up my needle and relax but for now I can't.
I wish I could read a book, dream and escape from reality but for now I can't.
I wish I could leave home in the morning lighthearted but for now I can't.
I will try to finish my block though.

Life is beautiful... I know... but sometimes life is hard. I will keep looking at the flowers on Nathalie's quilt while waiting for the flowers to bloom again next spring.
I have turned the comment section off but I know that you are around.
Thank you.
We were a group of friends gathered around our passion, gathered to quilt and stitch. It was the first trapunto project I was about to stitch with the help and advice of Nathalie Méance from La Fée Pirouette. She is the wonderful designer of the 2015 Mystery Quilt for Quiltmania.
And so I stitched this block and was happy to learn this technique which I had seen on Nathalie's videos over and over again. The colors were beautiful, the atmosphere fantastic with a group of wonderful ladies. The climax of the weekend was when Nathalie revealed the quilt Colmar completely finished!! Oh my goodness, how beautiful it was!!! I couldn't stop admiring it! I was enjoying the weekend so much. Yet, I knew that something wrong was going to happen... I had sensed it just before I left home on Friday night and I was worried the whole weekend though I tried not to show it.
What I feared the most did happen... the relapse of my wife's cancer. Since then the battle has started again with its pain and suffering. And as if it was not enough, the terrorist attacks on Paris covered my country with a veil of sadness.
Sometimes it is just difficult to stay optimistic. Today the sun is shining in the sky but not in my heart but we will face what we have to face and fight the battle together.
I wish I could pick up my needle and relax but for now I can't.
I wish I could read a book, dream and escape from reality but for now I can't.
I wish I could leave home in the morning lighthearted but for now I can't.
I will try to finish my block though.
Life is beautiful... I know... but sometimes life is hard. I will keep looking at the flowers on Nathalie's quilt while waiting for the flowers to bloom again next spring.
I have turned the comment section off but I know that you are around.
Thank you.