London #1


  1. I love London, too! - and have been there several times. Two years ago we spent our holiday in East Sussex and went to London for one day. Following hundreds of people to Buckingham Palace - because we wanted to know why they all went there - we found out that the Queen was holding her annual garden party that day. Funny for us and quite exciting for our kids.

  2. I love london too !!!! So many nice shops as well... have a wonderful time but I am sure you will !!!!!!!

  3. 3 pêle-mêle qui donnent envie. Londres est une jolie capitale.

  4. ces jolies photos donnent envie, certes! je ne connais pas bien cette ville, j'y ai passé une journée au cours d'un long séjour dans le Pays de Galle quand j'étais étudiante...j'y retournerai et je te demanderai de bonnes!

  5. Ouh la la! Ca me donne un furieuse envie d'y retourner! Merci

  6. Great pictures!
    I love the atmosphere of London!

    Have a nice day, Evelyne

  7. I'm very tempting to be back to Europe and London is one of the places I'd love to visit again, besides Paris, Dusseldorf and Northern Italy!! Thanks for great inspirations...


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