Do you remember last year's post ?
I went back to this small and friendly crafts fair.
I met several wonderful and inspirational designers and I discovered one designer I didn't know : L'R de Rien. Just have a look and tell me whether you would have resisted to such beautiful and delicate designs.

I was drooling over all these beauties, just for the pleasure of watching them, when one piece caught my eyes! I immediately told my wife : "Doesn't it make you think of a house in Dinard ?" And guess what ? When the lady heard me, she immediately told me it was a stitched design of this very house I was thinking about!!!

Do you see the house on the far right facing the ocean ? That's the one.
I have plenty of projects in my stash and didn't want to add a new one but the idea of stitching a beautiful memory from a place I love was enough to convince me to add this new project to my stash ;-)

Isn't it cute ?
Of course there were other French designers.
Atalie and her fabulous overdyed threads and romantic creations. I really like the atmosphere of her booth.

I already have several projects from Atalie waiting to be stitched so I didn't buy anything though I love everything!
There was also L'Atelier de Fées Brodeuses.

Unfortunately, I do not have any photos of the booth presenting many samplers, both creations and reproductions : Reflets de Soie but I was really impressed by these samplers.
And I should not forget the fantastic creations by MTSA (photo below taken last year)

Another booth was a stopper for me! The one where a man was selling his hand-made scissors. Unbelievable! Each pair of scissors was like a piece of jewelry.

As you can see, there were more booths for stitchers than for quilters.
Fortunately Marie-Claude Iperti was there. Not only is she one of the nicest person I have ever met, but she has one of the most wonderful booth for all the country and primitive lovers! Look at these two quilts she had on display! One is her creation and the other one is a Maggi Bonanomi's creation.

As usual there was also a small exhibition. The theme being "Chocolate" this year, there were yummy creations...

... and beautiful quilts and quilted creations.

Well, this is what I will remember for this year and will go back next year if I can.
On Monday, I will resume work as the winter break is now over. After the delicate work on Thistlewood, I have decided to relax and take it easy in working on a primitive wool cushion from Maggi Bonanomi's latest book.

So, until next time,
I went back to this small and friendly crafts fair.
I met several wonderful and inspirational designers and I discovered one designer I didn't know : L'R de Rien. Just have a look and tell me whether you would have resisted to such beautiful and delicate designs.
I was drooling over all these beauties, just for the pleasure of watching them, when one piece caught my eyes! I immediately told my wife : "Doesn't it make you think of a house in Dinard ?" And guess what ? When the lady heard me, she immediately told me it was a stitched design of this very house I was thinking about!!!
Do you see the house on the far right facing the ocean ? That's the one.
I have plenty of projects in my stash and didn't want to add a new one but the idea of stitching a beautiful memory from a place I love was enough to convince me to add this new project to my stash ;-)
Isn't it cute ?
Of course there were other French designers.
Atalie and her fabulous overdyed threads and romantic creations. I really like the atmosphere of her booth.
I already have several projects from Atalie waiting to be stitched so I didn't buy anything though I love everything!
There was also L'Atelier de Fées Brodeuses.
Unfortunately, I do not have any photos of the booth presenting many samplers, both creations and reproductions : Reflets de Soie but I was really impressed by these samplers.
And I should not forget the fantastic creations by MTSA (photo below taken last year)
Another booth was a stopper for me! The one where a man was selling his hand-made scissors. Unbelievable! Each pair of scissors was like a piece of jewelry.
As you can see, there were more booths for stitchers than for quilters.
Fortunately Marie-Claude Iperti was there. Not only is she one of the nicest person I have ever met, but she has one of the most wonderful booth for all the country and primitive lovers! Look at these two quilts she had on display! One is her creation and the other one is a Maggi Bonanomi's creation.
As usual there was also a small exhibition. The theme being "Chocolate" this year, there were yummy creations...
... and beautiful quilts and quilted creations.
Well, this is what I will remember for this year and will go back next year if I can.
On Monday, I will resume work as the winter break is now over. After the delicate work on Thistlewood, I have decided to relax and take it easy in working on a primitive wool cushion from Maggi Bonanomi's latest book.
So, until next time,
Really enjoyed this little visit....ciao Alison
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful post David and a lovely afternoon you must have had! I really like the designs of L'R de Rien, is there a website that you can order her patterns from? I really like the colours she uses. The quilts are gorgeous as well especially the basket quilt, that is simply stunning. Good evening to you, it is a hot, windy sunny morning here, Kind regards, Ann
ReplyDeleteThanks for showing me your photos. So beautiful. I have made Maggie's wool quilt and it hangs on the wall above my compute. Her patterns are so simple and wonderful. Enjoy
ReplyDeleteYou're having too much fun there! Good for you :) I like the idea of getting started on a new stitching project with such a lovely memory of that special house. Great way to remember!
ReplyDeleteQue exposición tan bonita, unos trabajos preciosos, besos
No, I would not be able to resist the beautiful patterns of L'R de Rien, even though I am more into patchwork then cross stitch. Thank you for sharing your lovely afternoon with us.
ReplyDeleteJe suis une fan inconditionnelle de Gwen R (l'R de rien)... d'ailleurs en ce moment, je brode "roses anciennes" pour l'anniversaire de ma maman et j'ai attaqué aujourd'hui "gentil coquelicot" (celui-ci en 1/1).
ReplyDeleteBisxxx et bon dimanche.
Thank you for taking me to Pexiora, it looks like a great little show. Just wish it was nearer home! Back to work tomorrow? Bon courage!
ReplyDeleteThe things in the craft fair are too good to resist. I think that I would want way too many things. As much as I would like to see the craft fair, it is probably a good thing it is across the ocean.
ReplyDeleteEh bien, quel agréable moment je viens de passer: j'aime vraiment lire tes posts et regarder toutes ces belles photos qui nous transmettent très bien l'agréable atmosphère de ce salon. Un faible pour les créations de l'R de Rien : hum !! pas étonnées, ses créations sont très printanières :-) J'espère que le Monsieur de Nogent et ses belles paires de ciseaux sera à l'Amour du fil : le sais-tu par hasard ?
ReplyDeleteLes quilts country sont tous très beaux aussi.
Alors, après cette belle après-midi, je te souhaite un très beau dimanche.
Looks like Sunday shopping only we cannot access!! Thanks for the eye candy:))
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely sunday:)
bonjour David ,
ReplyDeleteje n'ai pu venir sur ce salon le samedi ! MAis comme toi j'ai readmiré les stands d'Atalie, e, Les fées brodeuses des Secrets de Marie et j'ai découvert celui de L'R de rien et de Reflets de soie présents cette année aussi ! Cependant, celui de l'r de rien reste mon chouchou , magique tout créativité et en finesse !
Le plaid laine de Maggie Bonanomie m'a aussi séduite ... et après l'avoir admiré sous toutes les coutures, m^me avec mes faiblesses en patch je pense pouvoir me lancer( à plus petite échelle) dans ce style que j'affectionne tant !
Dans notre région du sud ouest ce salon est depuis 3 ans une vrai aubaine pour qui aime l'art de la broderie et du patch !
Te voilà aussi avec un beau projet à venir
Bonne reprise pour lundi ...
What fun you had! I've been a fan of Gwen's designs for a long time, just haven't stitched anything by her yet :-( And those scissors look familiar... they're beautiful, aren't they? Thanks for sharing your lovely pics.
ReplyDeleteI love the pictures, I would love to visit that fair, the projects are really gorgeous. I admire your Thistlewood project, I have just signed up for a Jackie online class, I have never done any of her work before so I hope mine turns out as beautiful as yours.
ReplyDeleteHi David, What a wonderful presentation of this fair. I absolutely love the handmade scissors, do you have the contact info for this man?
ReplyDeleteLynette x
Unfortunately, I don't. I know his name : Jean Marie ROULOT and I also know that he doesn't have a website (he told me he had enough to deal with his phone!) If I get more info, I'll let you know ;-)
DeleteHei David !
ReplyDeleteThank you for so nice pictures.
Finland is greeting you.
Merci, David, pour ces photos partagées ! Je viens de mesurer ce que j'avais loupé... ;-)
ReplyDeleteBon, on ne m'y reprendra pas (je l'espère !) et je tâcherai de m'organiser un peu mieux pour l'an prochain.
Broder des souvenirs, des endroits que l'on aime, c'est une bonne et belle idée ! C'est ce que j'ai fait avec mon "Village de Montagne". Les deux maisons qui y figurent existent pour de vrai ! De même, le pont sur la rivière, les moutons aux estives (on s'en doute !), la plaque de rue...
Tiens, ça me fait penser que j'aurais pu les montrer. Je vais voir si je retrouve des photos, tiens !
Merci pour la visite, David, et pour l'inspiration ! ;-)
Bonjour David !
DeleteJe suis allée moi aussi au salon de Pexiora samedi( d'autant plus que ma sœur est l'une des organisatrice !)Encore cette année, beaucoup de belles choses et beaucoup de tentations ! Malgré tous mes encours, j'ai craqué pour les beaux tissus des secrets de Marie !
Je n'avais pas pris mon appareil photo donc merci d'avoir immortalisé certains de ces beaux stands,
Pascale 31
comme d'habitude! une jolie balade chez vous pour venir admirer la finesse de votre travail... à bientôt pour la suite
ReplyDeletedouce journée
Et bien, cet endroit m'a l'air bien sympa et je ne connaissais pas du tout.Un peu loin de chez moi peut-être (j'habite en Gironde)...mais l'année prochaine, peut-être...
ReplyDeletehello David, merci pour ton beau reportage et tes gentils mots. C'était un vrai plaisir pour moi aussi de te revoir ainsi que ton épouse. J'espère pouvoir organiser très vite un stage dans le sud afin que nous puissions partager tous ensemble des moments extraordinaires, et pourquoi pas avec Maggie Bonanomi...
ReplyDeleteDavid the quilt with the tiny baskets or one very similar to the one in your photo appeared in Quiltmania magazine several issues back. Your photo has reminded me that I started making those tiny baskets and should work on them again. It is not always easy to find Quiltmania here in the US which is sad.
ReplyDeleteHi, The quilt with the little baskets was the one published in Quiltmania. The booth was Marie-Claude's Iperty from Les Secrets De Marie who has a few of her patterns published in Quiltmania.
DeleteThe tiny baskets are in wools.
Quiltmania is a great magazine and is filled with great projects.
Thank you for stopping by at my blog and for leaving a comment.
... was Marie- Claude Iperti's (sorry for the mistake)
DeleteI cannot see the price on those hand crafted scissors. What is the price on those beautiful scissors?
ReplyDeleteHi Mary, I can't remember exactly what the prices were but it was between from 20 to 50 euros approximately I guess.