
A good way to start this blog is to post a collage of photos of my world and travels. It took me quite a long time before deciding to jump into blogland but here I am! Welcome to my quilting and stitching world. I will share with you my past and current projects. Along the way, I will talk about the designers I admire. I will show you pictures of shops, quilt shows and classes I attended. And I may also share some recipes.
Though I'm French, I will write in English as it is a language I practice everyday and above all I love speaking English!
Until later,


  1. WoW!!! you just had a great idea to open this blog : endly !! I really was waiting for it :-))
    Tes photos sont magnifiques et ta mosaique super jolie ( pretty nice )..et on va pouvoir maintenant suivre tes découvertes :c'est génial!!

  2. Thank-you for the invitation to visit your blog. As you can see, I registered to be a Follower.
    The needlework and quilting that you put into the photo mosaic are very lovely, as is all of your work.

  3. Hi there ! Just discovered your blog and I can't wait to see more ! Your mosaic is awesome :-)

  4. Welcome to blogging. I look forward to your future postings

  5. So glad you started a blog, I only just discovered it because you became follower of my blog and am so happy to return the pleasure.

  6. Une très jolie promenade sur ton blog, merci, bizz

  7. Hi David! I just discovered your blog while trying to see who else has started Veronique's delightful Mystery quilt. I have just started my quilt and am thoroughly enjoying it. I hope you can have a quick look at my blog, and it would be great if you could add yourself as a follower. How lucky you are to have the Madeira range! I was overjoyed when I found a 30cm piece of the black and cream sampler and I am using it in tiny pieces throughout the quilt!!!! Your blocks so far are fabulous and I look forward to following your progress. Kind regards, Ann ~ Australia.


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